PMGDISHA Becomes Tool Of Empowerment at Pakur, Jharkhand
VLE Israfil Shekh runs his CSC centre at Taranagar, Pakur, Jharkhand. The VLE recognized that citizens of his Panchayat are facing problems related to basic education and banking services like withdrawal deposit as there was no facility of ATM machine or CSP (Customer Service Point) in his panchayat. The VLE started PMGDISHA and DIGIPAY Service through his centre. The VLE is working very hard for DigiPay service and his average monthly transaction is around Rs. 3 Lakh.
The DigiPay system in TARANAGAR village, (PAKUR) facilitates disbursement of government entitlements like NREGA, social security pension, Handicapped, Old Age Pension etc. using Aadhaar authentication service of UIDAI. This system is based on demographic and biometric/iris information of an individual, which reduces the threat of any fraud or non-genuine activity. Aadhaar facilitates anytime, anywhere, anyhow authentication for the citizen/customer.
Now, the VLE earns around Rs. 20,000-25000 per month through CSC Services in which a major contribution is from Digipay and PMGDISHA Commission. Now he is very happy that living in his own panchayat he is earning a handsome amount per month by doing a respectful business.