CSC is taking another step towards Digital India with launch of the CSC PM WANI Scheme. To leverage public Wi-Fi network for delivery of broadband services Wi-Fi Access Network Interface (WANI) will be launched by Dr. Dinesh Tyagi, Managing Director CSC SPV on February 9, 2021.
The scheme provides several benefits such as:
- introduce business-friendly environment by boosting ease of doing business
- provide high-speed internet that emerge as a necessity during the COVID-19 pandemic
- aid the deployment of a public Wi-Fi network service and it will create employment
- usage of public Wi-Fi hotspots would encourage its penetration across the country
- opportunity to become PDO without license and enhance your business
The program can be watched live on the CSC Facebook page at on February 9, 2021 | 12 pm.
ग्रामिण क्षेत्र में जब कोई कम्पनी अपना केबल नहीं बिछाने को तैयार है तो ग्रामिण छेत्र मे सिएससी पिएम वाडि स्किम कैसे चलाई जा सकती है।