The empowerment of Khatanga village in Jharkahnd through CSC is an interesting one as it reflects the great attitude of VLE Anil towards entrepreneurship. In this village panchayat, computer was alien for villagers. VLE Anil came forward to take the challenge and he decided to become a VLE. He quickly adopted the CSC ecosystem, and also developed IT skills. He worked very hard for his CSC. Today, he is successfully running the CSC and is an example for many other youngsters in his village. In PMGDISHA, the VLE has trained 213 villagers especially women from ST/SC communities. They are using IT tools in their daily activities.
Through his CSC, benefits of various welfare schemes are also available to the marginalized communities of the surrounding villages. Besides, other services, CSC is helping them meet their service requirements in time and in a cost effective manner. Taluka is very far from the village. Transportation is limited. Thus, CSC transformed life of residents of Gagari panchayat and Khatanga village in a big way.