CSC Flight Ticket Booking : How to Book Flight Tickets in CSC


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CSC Flight Ticket Booking

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Exciting News! Get ready to unlock a whole new world of unique features on Flight Booking. Elevate your service and provide an unparalleled experience to your citizens. Earn Commission/Markup upto ₹1500 per pax & ₹13500 per trip. For any query, mail us at [email protected]

Now VLEs can get unique features on Flight Booking

  • Best markup option

  • Better Fares

  • Timely Refund

  • Attractive flight contest offers

  • Reschedule options

Booking Process

  • Login to the Digital Sewa Portal

  • Search Travel

  • Select the institution & proceed further

  • Enter the required details & continue to booking.


Earn Commission/Markup Upto 1500 INR per pax and Upto 13500 INR per trip

For any query mail us at [email protected]

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