PM Vishwakarma Yojana Registration Process, PM Vishwakarma Yojana


PM Vishwakarma Yojana Registration Process, PM Vishwakarma Yojana

A significant section of the workforce of the Indian Economy consists of artisans and craftspeople, who work with their hands and tools, are usually self-employed and are generally considered to be a part of the informal or unorganised sector of the economy. These traditional artisans and craftspeople are referred to as ‘Vishwakarmas’ and are engaged in occupations like Blacksmiths, Goldsmiths, Potters, Carpenters, Sculptors, etc. These skills or occupations are passed from generation-to-generation following a guru-shishya model of traditional training, both within the families and other informal groups of artisans and craftspeople.

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PM Vishwakarma Yojana Registration Process, PM Vishwakarma Yojana

In the above backdrop, a new scheme, called ‘PM Vishwakarma‘, aims at improving the quality, as well as the reach of products and services of artisans and craftspeople and to ensure that the Vishwakarmas are integrated with the domestic and global value chains. It is the goal of this Scheme to offer holistic end-to-end support to the Vishwakarmas, i.e. the artisans and craftspeople, to enable them to move up the value chain in their respective trades. It will bring a qualitative shift in the way the occupations are practiced by artisans and craftspeople and this will uplift their socio-economic status as well as their quality of life.

Benefits under PM Vishwakarma

PM Vishwakarma is a holistic Scheme that envisages to provide end-to-end support to the artisans and craftspeople through the following components:

a. Recognition: PM Vishwakarma Certificate and ID Card
b. Skill Upgradation
c. Toolkit Incentive
d. Credit Support
e. Incentive for Digital Transactions
f. Marketing Support

PM Vishwakarma Certificate and ID Card

The artisans and craftspeople will receive PM Vishwakarma Certificate and PM Vishwakarma ID Card. A unique digital number shall be created and reflected on the certificate and the ID Card. The certificate shall enable the applicant’s recognition as a Vishwakarma and shall make them eligible to avail all the benefits under the PM Vishwakarma Scheme. The PM Vishwakarma Certificate and ID Card will be provided digitally as well as in physical form to the beneficiaries.

Skill Training

Beneficiaries interested in pursuing further skill upgradation after the Basic Skilling shall be enrolled for Advanced Skill Training of 15 days/ 120 hours or more at designated Training Centres The Advanced Skilling will be aimed at
deepening entrepreneurial knowledge so that the Vishwakarmas may feel confident enough to expand into an enterprise from self-employment. Advance Skilling will promote deeper understanding of latest technologies, design elements, and enabling value chain linkages with identified anchor industry partners. The subjects of basic training requiring more attention will also be taken up. Video manuals on toolkits will be provided to the beneficiaries. The beneficiary will also be made aware of the second loan tranche of upto Rs. 2 Lakh available under the scheme.

Training Stipend

Each beneficiary shall be eligible to receive a training stipend of Rs. 500 per day while undergoing the Basic
and Advanced Training programmes. Training stipend will be credited to the beneficiaries’ bank account through DBT mode after training completion and certification by MSDE.

Credit Support

To enhance and support the capabilities of traditional artisans and craftspeople, access to affordable credit under this Scheme shall be facilitated. The beneficiary should have undergone Skill Verification and successfully completed Basic Skill training to be eligible to avail first tranche of credit support of upto Rs 1 lakh under the Scheme.The aim of this component is to provide the Vishwakarmas with easy access to subsidized institutional credit for enterprise development through the following interventions:

Enterprise Development Loan

Under PM Vishwakarma, financial support will be provided to the targeted beneficiaries in the form of collateral free ‘Enterprise Development Loans’.

(i)The total quantum of loan assistance would be Rs. 3,00,000/- wherein, the beneficiaries can avail the first loan tranche upto Rs. 1,00,000/- and second loan tranche upto Rs 2,00,000/-

(ii) The second loan tranche will be available to skilled beneficiaries who maintain a standard loan account
and have adopted digital transactions in their business or have undergone Advanced Skill Training. They must have repaid the first loan tranche before availing the second tranche.


An artisan or craftsperson working with hands and tools and engaged in one of the family-based traditional trades
specified in Para 2.3, in the unorganized sector on self-employment basis, shall be eligible for registration under PM Vishwakarma.

(i) The minimum age of the beneficiary should be 18 years on the date of registration.

(ii) The beneficiary should be engaged in the trades concerned on the date of registration and should not have availed loans under similar credit-based schemes of Central Government or State Government for self-employment/ business development, e.g. PMEGP, PM SVANidhi, Mudra, in the past 5 years. However, the beneficiaries of MUDRA and SVANidhi who have repaid their loan, will be eligible under PM Vishwakarma. This period of 5 years will be calculated from the date of sanction of the loan.

(iii) The registration and benefits under the Scheme shall be restricted to one member of the family. For availing benefits under the Scheme, a ‘family’ is defined as consisting of the husband, wife and unmarried children.

(iv) A person in government service and their family members shall not be eligible under the Scheme.

PM Vishwakarma Yojana Registration Process 2023

Application for enrolment

MoMSME in association with CSCs (Common Service Centres) shall enrol the beneficiary families. Further, an Aadhaar authenticated and centralized PM Vishwakarma portal shall act as the facilitator for this exercise along with a PM Vishwakarma mobile app for enabling smooth operations of the Scheme.

The Ministry of Labour & Employment (MoLE) maintains the National Database of Unorganized Workers (NDUW) on the e-Shram portal, which is mapped with National Classification of Occupations (NCO). This e-Shram mapped database will be primarily used for identification of potential beneficiaries falling in the trade categories covered under PM Vishwakarma. These artisans and craftspeople families will be identified and encouraged to register under the Scheme.

Besides the above, any eligible person, not covered under e-Shram database shall also be eligible to enrol in the Scheme by making an online application through CSCs or online self-application on the PM Vishwakarma Portal. The enrolment of beneficiaries shall be done by seeking applications through CSCs under MeitY at the Gram Panchayat and Urban Local Bodies level as well as by an online application through the portal. This exercise will also help in capturing the details of eligible families of artisans and craftspeople besides collecting relevant details such as bank account and purpose and amount of loan, etc. The eligible beneficiaries are required to get themselves enrolled through nearest CSC in their area. The following is the list of documents or information to be provided by the

Required documents 

The beneficiaries need to produce documents like Aadhaar, mobile number, bank details, ration card
for the registration.

In case of a beneficiary not having a ration card, they would be required to produce Aadhaar cards of all family members. (Para 4 (iv) of the guidelines on Eligibility may be referred to for definition of family). If beneficiary does not have bank account, they will be first required to open a bank account for which handholding shall be done by the CSC.

Additional documents

The beneficiaries may be required to provide additional documents or information as per the requirements prescribed by the MoMSME. There shall be no fees or charges for enrolment under PM Vishwakarma. The entire cost of enrolments through the CSC under the Scheme and subsequent registration and issue of certificate/ID card shall be borne by the Government.

Steps for Registration Process will be as follows:

The registration shall be done by seeking applications through Common Service Centres (CSCs) as well as open online application through Aadhaar based biometric authenticated PM Vishwakarma portal. The portal will have convergence with various Government portals including Skill India Digital through API. A multi-lingual helpline will be available on the portal to ensure that the information is disseminated to everyone across the country without any language barrier.

The beneficiary can apply either on their own or with the help of the CSCs through Village Level
Entrepreneurs (VLEs) or Enumerators.

Further, the CSCs will also provide handholding support to the beneficiaries to assess their key requirements and choose from the varied benefits available under the Scheme. At the time of application, the beneficiaries will be made aware of the Skill Upgradation component of the Scheme.

The beneficiary shall furnish their Aadhaar-seeded bank account details at the time of application. This shall be considered as their preferred bank account for availing any monetary benefit under any component of PM Vishwakarma.

At every stage of intervention under this Scheme, Aadhaar authentication would be mandatory. Aadhaar authentication will be done through biometric by CSCs.

The portal will also provide link for registration under Udyam Assist Portal which is the registration portal for Informal Micro Enterprises which do not have PAN. The applicants who have PAN and those who wish to be registered on the Udyam Registration Portal for MSMEs will also have an option for the same.

The beneficiaries would be encouraged to onboard on GeM Portal. Further, the Scheme would also be advertised on GeM Portal. This will provide encouragement and support to the Vishwakarmas in getting access to market. Through GeM the products will be made available freely for procurement.

Submission of application by the beneficiary shall be followed by a three-step verification which, if successful, will lead to registration under PM Vishwakarma. All registrations under PM Vishwakarma will be Aadhaar-based and the authentication will be through biometric. Notification to beneficiaries on disbursement of incentives will be done through SMS.


There will be a three-tier verification and approval process for the registration of beneficiaries:

Verification at Gram Panchayat or ULB level

The first step of screening for the artisans and craftspeople registered under PM Vishwakarma will be through the head of Gram Panchayat/ Chairman of Village Council or Executive Head/ Administrator of the Urban Local Body. The Head of Panchayat can use services of Gram Sevak/Panchayat Secretary in screening and verifying the details provided by thebeneficiaries. The Head of Gram Panchayat will also ascertain that the beneficiary has been traditionally engaged in the trade on self-employment basis. The verification shall include screening of family details mentioned by the beneficiary to ensure that only one eligible person is covered from a family. The same shall be applicable for the Executive Head in ULB. The details collected by VLEs will be certified by the Head of Gram Panchayat in the villages or the Executive Head of ULBs.

Vetting and Recommendation by the District Implementation Committee

The registration verified by the Head of Gram Panchayat or the Executive Head will be forwarded online to the District Implementation Committee. The second step of verification will be done by the District Implementation Committee which will ensure proper vetting and recommendation of the applications made by the beneficiaries.

Approval by the Screening Committee

The final approval for registration of beneficiaries shall be accorded by the Screening Committee after
due diligence and consideration of the recommendation made by the District Implementation Committee. The Screening Committee will be chaired by an officer of the field formation of the Office of DC-MSME and will have members including State Lead Bank Manager, representatives of MSDE, State Departments of MSME/Industry and Panchayat Raj as members in each State/UT to oversee the registration process.

Following are the terms of reference of the Screening Committee:

  • To accord final approval of the beneficiaries for registration under PM Vishwakarma after
    satisfying itself as to their eligibility.
  • To ensure that the enrolment and verification process is conducted without undue delays.
  • To ensure that only eligible beneficiaries in the trades covered under PM Vishwakarma are
  • To take or suggest appropriate remedial measures, if required, for better or more efficient implementation of the Scheme.

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